4th Edition Technology Brewing And Malting
Technology Brewing and Malting. It has also been translated into Polish, Serbian and Hungarian. The 5th English Edition has been revised, partly updated and has been. WOLFGANG KUNZE Chapter 11 co-written by Dr H J Manger TECHNOLOGY Brewing Malting 4th completely updated edition Published by Versuchs- und Lehranstalt.
The book – in brewers’ circles well-known as just the “Kunze”– has accompanied countless brewers and maltsters on their way into and through the professional practice since its first edition in 1961. Meanwhile more than 30,000 German, about 17,000 English, 6000 Chinese, 3500 Russian and 1500 Spanish copies have been printed. It has also been translated into Polish, Serbian and Hungarian. The 5th English Edition has been revised, partly updated and has been upgraded with a new modern layout. It contains 960 pages with more than 850 figures. Content. Raw materials: Barley, hops, water, yeast, adjuncts.
Malt production. Wort production. Beer production: Fermention, maturation, filtration, stabilisation. Filling the beer: One-way/returnable glass bottles, PET, cans, kegs.
Cleaning and disinfection. Finished beer: Ingredients, beer types, quality. Small scale brewing. Waste disposal and the environment. Energy management in the brewery and malting.

Automation and plant planning The book addresses professional brewer in all sizes, from ambitious homebrewer, craft brewer, micro brewer, pub brewer up to industrial brewer. Because of its clear and thorough representation of all relevant aspects of malt and beer production, in more than 50 years, ”Technology Brewing & Malting” has become to what it is today: a standard work – across the globe. The Author Wolfgang Kunze, born in 1926, is a qualified brewer and maltster and studied brewing engineering at the VLB Berlin.
For 38 years, he was a teacher and head of the Dresden Brewer’s School and introduced generations of young brewers and maltsters to the art of beer brewing. His comprehensive knowledge and didactic experience, which he vividly conveys in his book, have made “Technology Brewing and Malting” over the last 50 years to what it is today: a standard work worldwide. Attachments.
Current list of book titles available from Brewers' Guardian. Beer Packaging - 2nd edition Edited by: Ray Klimovitz, Karl Ockert 2014, Hardback, 480 pages.
Price £89.95 Beer Packaging - 2nd edition, is a must-have resource for all of today's brewers up and down the production line, and includes perspectives for both the small craft brewers and those managing small scale pilot runs for large breweries averaging more than 10 million barrels per year. This book guides the user around the many potential pitfalls of packaging, particularly those that can affect your current or future customers, and ultimately your profit margins. It covers the beer packaging process from the tank to containers, to filling and boxing, and everything in between, including packaging line design and control, environmental and project management, bottle filling and washing, canning lines, pasteurisation, key line operations and palletising. Encyclopaedia of Brewing Author: Christopher Boulton 2013, Hardback, 716 pages.
Price £159.95 Encyclopaedia of Brewing provides a comprehensive description of terms which relate to the science and technology of beer, allied beverages, and the brewing and malting processes. The extensive and authoriative coverage provides an appropriately detailed description of each term under consideration, supplemented with diagrams and photographs where relevant. This essential first point of reference for information on brewing science offers commercial brewers and allied traders worldwide, as well as the burgeoning microbrewing sector, with an international perspective.
Technology Brewing & Malting - 5th International Edition Author: Wolfgang Kunze 2014, Hardback, 960 pages. Price £140.00. The slightly revised and partly updated 5th edition of the worldwide approved textbook for brewers and maltsters 'Technology Brewing & Malting' by Wolfgang Kunze was released in August 2014. It has been also upgraded with a new modern layout and contains 960 pages with more than 850 figures. Chapters in this new edition cover: Raw Materials, Malt production, Wort production, Beer production, Filling the beer, Cleaning and disinfection, Finished beer, Small scale brewing, Waste disposal and the environment, Energy management, and Automation and plant planning. Because of its clear and thorough representation of all relevant aspects of malt and beer production, in more than 50 years, 'Technology Brewing & Malting' has become to what it is today: a standard work - across the globe.
Covering beer production and stability, this book focuses in detail on the physiology and molecular biology of yeast and its use in beer production as well as on contaminating microorganisms and their effects on stability and quality. It reviews the effect of the completion of the full genome sequence of saccharomyces cerevisiae and its impact on beer fermentation. This volume is designed for microbrewers and multinational organisations - from technical brewers to quality controllers and researchers - and serves both as a reference book and laboratory manual. Brewing - 2nd Edition Authors: Michael J Lewis & Tom W Young 2002, Paperback, 398 pages. Price £58.99.
This popular book is both a basic text for traditional short and extension college courses in brewing science, and a reference for those involved in the malting, brewing and allied industries who have little or no formal training in brewing science. Although some elementary knowledge of chemistry and biology is necessary, the essentials of brewing science, and its relationship to brewing technology, are clearly presented.
The book focuses on principles and practices central to an understanding of the brewing process, including; malt, hops and yeast preparation; the fermentation process; microbiology and contaminants; finishing; packing and flavour. Malts and Malting Author: Dennis E Briggs 1998, Hardback, 824 pages. Price £133.00. Beer production has seen many changes over the centuries, and Brewing, 2nd revised edition, brings the reader right up-to-date with the advances made in the last decade. Covering the various stages of beer production, reference is also made to microbiology within the brewery and some pointers to research on the topic are given. Written by a recently retired brewer, this book will appeal to all beer-lovers, but particularly those within the industry who wish to understand the processes, and will be relevant to students of food or biological sciences.
This important book summarises the major recent technological changes in brewing and their impact on product range and quality. The first group of chapters review improvements in ingredients, including cereals, adjuncts, malt and hops, as well as ways of optimising the use of water. The following sequence of chapters discuss developments in particular technologies from fermentation and accelerated processing to filtration and stabilisation processes as well as packaging. A final series of chapters analyse improvements in safety and quality control, covering such topics as modern brewery sanitation, waste handling, quality assurance schemes, and control systems responsible for chemical, microbiological and sensory analysis. Brewing: Science and Practice Authors: D E Briggs, P A Brookes, R Stevens, C A Boulton 2004, Hardback, 900 pages.
Price £180.00. This book is an original and comprehensive examination of brewing from the perspective of a real brewer. The book departs from the traditional sequential approach to pursue brewing in the manner a brewmaster approaches the process. It is structured to look down the length of the process for causes and effects.

Each essay discusses a problem, a beer component, or a flavor, by following how this one item arises and how it changes along the way. This is a crucial feature to bear in mind when reading the book because this organization brings together information and ideas that are not usually presented side-by-side. Scientific Principles of Malting & Brewing Author: Charles Bamforth 2006, Hardback, 256 pages. Price £70.99. This timely book provides a refreshing update for experienced brewing professionals and a valuable primer on brewing science for anyone new to the science or in need of a current review. It provides reader-friendly coverage of basic brewing chemistry and biochemistry that will be meaningful to anyone with an interest in brewing.
The book addresses the key issues involved with malting, brewhouse operations, fermentation, downstream processing, and product quality. It is comprehensive yet presents the essential science of brewing in a useful and applied manner, without the minutiae of a research monograph. Standards of Brewing Author: Charles Bamforth 2002, Paperback, 209 pages. Price £37.99. This book covers an essential topic for today's brewers: consistent production of quality product. With distribution expanding and competition intense, no brewery can afford to release product for distribution unless it is confident the beer will meet consumer expectations - even months after production. Bamforth covers the principles and practices of brewery quality so that brewers can establish or audit their own programs and procedures for producing consistent, high quality beer.
Food, Fermentation & Micro Organisms Author: Charles Bamforth 2005, Hardback, 240 pages. Price £167.00. Now available in paperback for the first time, this book gives a clear, concise account of malting and brewing processes and the science on which they are based.
Technology Brewing And Malting Kunze
There are chapters about barley and the malting of grain, about water, hops, and yeasts and bacteria as well as descriptions of fermentation and post-fermentation processes. The techniques of production of high-quality beers are also described. The whole description is placed within a biotechnological content: modern developments and the wider significance of the bacteria that commonly contaminate beer are carefully examined. Handbook of Brewing – 2nd Edition Authors: Fergus Priest & Graham Stewart 2006, Hardback, 872 pages. Price £167.00. It has been ten years since its first edition, making the Handbook of Brewing, Second Edition the must have resource on the science and technology of beer production.
It recounts how during this time, the industry has transformed both commercially and technically and how many companies have been subsumed into large multinationals while at the other extreme, microbreweries have flourished in many parts of the world. It also explains how massive improvements in computer power and automation have modernized the brewhouse while developments in biotechnology have steadily improved brewing efficiency, beer quality, and shelf life. Principles of Brewing Science: A Study of Serious Brewing Issues Author: George Fix 1999, Paperback, 189 pages. Price £24.99. This book offers an amusing and informative account of the art and science of brewing, examining the history of brewing and how the brewing process has evolved through the ages. This third edition features more information concerning the history of beer especially in the United States; British, Japanese and Egyptian beer; beer in the context of health and nutrition; and the various styles of beer. Bamforth has also added detailed sidebars on prohibition, Sierra Nevada, life as a maltster, hopgrowing in the Northwestern United States, and how cans and bottles are made.
Beer: A Quality Perspective Authors: Charles Bamforth, Inge Russell, Graham Stewart 2008, Hardback, 304 pages. Price £100.00. Over the course of the past 125 years a wealth of research has been devoted to the topic of beer and the processes through which it is produced, namely malting and brewing. Because of this, beer is a highly consistent product and much is known about its quality attributes and how they can be delivered to delight the consumer.
This book details, with extensive referencing, the research that has been devoted to the range of quality attributes of beer. It is the first book to approach beer in this way and comprises an essential reference for anyone seeking an authoritative account of the science of beer appearance, flavour, stability and wholesomeness. Why is wine considered more sophisticated even though the production of beer is much more technologically complex? Why is wine touted for its health benefits when beer has more nutrition value? Charles Bamforth explores several paradoxes involving beer and wine, paying special attention to the culture surrounding each.
He argues that beer can be just as grown-up and worldly as wine and be part of a healthy, mature lifestyle. Beverage Industry Microfiltration Author: Nathan Starbard 2008, Hardback, 304 pages. Price £154.00.
This book covers the engineering basics of microfiltration and gives a detailed understanding of the filtration media, filter formats, and equipment. The proper operation and monitoring of filtration processes are fully covered. Specific applications and industry examples are given for the primary beverage microfiltration markets, including the wine, beer, sports drinks and juice industries. The book can serve as a general learning tool, troubleshooting reference and filtration process optimization guide. Hop Flavor & Aroma Edited by Thomas H Shellhammer 2009, Paperback, 208 pages. Price £52.00. This book covers all aspects of hop flavour and aroma, which makes it perfect for brewers, brewing chemists, quality assurance professionals, and hop growers and dealers.
The 14 chapters in this book are based on research presented at the First International Brewers Symposium held in 1997. This monograph brings together world experts from the academic, industrial, and governmental brewing science communities to present research within the focused theme of the sensory evaluation of hop as an ingredient in brewing. The nature by which volatile hop components and non-volatile hop glycosides affect beer flavour stability is discussed along with their impact on beer bitterness and flavour stability. Practical Handbook for the Specialty Brewer (3 volume set) Edited by Karl Ockert 2006, All Paperback, Price £95.00. Sixty years ago, The Master Brewers Association of the Americas (MBAA) created a simple, practical, technical book on all aspects of brewing in a user-friendly question and answer format. Building on that best-selling concept, this new handbook series written by MBAA experts expands the Q&A format in a comprehensive manner, making it easier than ever to find answers to your questions on the broad subject of specialty brewing. The unique simplicity of the Q&A format makes understanding and application straightforward. Products.
Volume 1: Raw Materials & Brewhouse Operations (189 pages) Volume 2: Fermentation, Cellaring, and Packaging Operations (263 pages) Volume 3: Brewing Engineering and Plant Operations (198 pages). This book is regarded as a trade standard achieving worldwide acceptance as an outstanding basic training tool in the art and science of brewing.
From proven practical procedures to recent innovative technologies, the book offers practical solutions to many everyday concerns. This latest edition includes three new chapters dealing with low calorie beer/low alcohol beers, environmental issues and micro brewing. Handbook of Brewing Edited by Hans Michael Ebetalinger 2009, Hardback, 778 pages. Price £190.00. This comprehensive reference combines the technological know-how from five centuries of industrial-scale brewing to meet the needs of a global economy. The editor and authors draw on the expertise gained in the world's most competitive beer market (Germany), where many of the current technologies were first introduced.
Following a look at the history of beer brewing, this book goes on to discuss raw materials, fermentation, maturation and storage, filtration and stabilization, special production methods and beermix beverages. Beer in Health and Disease Prevention Author: Victor R. Preedy 2008, Hardback, 1248 pages.
Price £140.00. Presenting both the concerns and problems of beer consumption as well as the emerging evidence of benefit, this book offers a balanced view of today's findings and the potential of tomorrow's research. It addresses the impact of beer and beer ingredients on cancers, cardiovascular disease, anti-oxidant benefits, and other health related concerns. It presents a holistic view from beer brewing to the isolation of beer-related compounds. This book is appropriate for scientists and researchers from a variety of fields and industries from beer production to health-care professionals. Consistent organisation of each chapter provides easy-access to key points and summaries. Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation Authors: Chris White, Jamil Zainasheff 2010, Paperback, 328 pages.
Price £16.99. The first volume in a six-part series addressing quality of beer. This new book offers an easy-to-read yet comprehensive and authoritative description of all the factors that impact the quality and quantity of foam on beer. FOAM guides the reader through the many factors that impact foam, culminating in a step-by-step explanation of how problems with too much or too little foam can be interpreted and rectified. The book takes the reader through the role that foam plays in perceived quality, the factors that impact foam, and the contributions that all stages from barley to dispense make to foam. It also describes how to measure head stability and cling and diagnose problems with over foaming (gushing).
This book will be of interest to brewers, suppliers to the brewing industry, scientists studying foam, home brewers, beer servers in bars, restaurants and hotels, and any serious lover of beer. This book is a survey of authoritative textbooks that use quantitative methods to show the brewer how to translate the 'what's and why's' of brewing science into practical brewing applications that result in more consistent and higher quality beer. Equations and procedures that would receive short treatment in other texts are thoroughly explained through numerous examples of practical brewing applications. This book clearly illustrates how to apply sound science in the brewhouse.
A typical textbook might explain why it is important to have a certain level of calcium in the brewing water, a specific mash temperature, the correct yeast pitching rate, or a certain carbonation level, but may not explain how to achieve these results. This handbook shows the brewer how to determine what weight of gypsum will provide the desired ppm of calcium in the brewing water, what mash water temperature will achieve the desired mash temperature, what volume of yeast slurry will provide the desired yeast cell pitching rate, and what weight of priming will provide the desired carbonation level. An English translation of a classic German brewing manual. Compressed air systems are the third most important utility in breweries and are often the most misunderstood. This manual is for brewery operators and brewery engineers and is designed to provide an understanding of common compression systems and operation techniques in breweries.
The manual is extensively illustrated and covers key topics of common installations of modern compressed air systems, design applications, physical laws of compressed air, drying compressed air, and maintenance recommendations. The goal of this book is to illustrate the interconnecting aspects of a compressed air system and to show advantageous solutions to problems that arise when planning and operating such systems properly. The major food and beverage packaging materials - glass, metal, plastic, paper and paperboard - increasingly compete with each other in the battle over which type of container is optimal for a given application.
Increasingly, food and beverage product innovators need to consider which packaging material, or combination of materials, systems, pack designs and processes, will best serve the market and enhance brand value with due consideration of the sustainability credentials of the product and its packaging. The book focuses initially on the core issues of biodeterioration, product quality and shelf life, before discussing logistical packaging and the importance of integrating packaging with all the activities in a supply chain. Each of the main packaging materials is then examined in depth, alongside the techniques of active packaging and modified atmosphere packaging. Diacetyl plays an important role in the quality determination of foods and beverages.
This comprehensive publication on diacetyl formation in fermented foods and beverages explains the science behind diacetyl formation, how to control it, and how to measure it in food manufacturing processes. A change in a manufacturing method or the quality of a raw material can unexpectedly enhance an unpleasant diacetyl odour or remove a pleasant diacetyl flavour. It is no surprise that this compound and its control are of critical importance in today's manufacturing practices. The book covers diacetyl formation and control in beer, wine, sake, vinegar and dairy products. It is a must-have resource for anyone involved in a manufacturing process in which tracking and regulating diacetyl formation is imperative. This new book is a comprehensive resource on yeast vitality and viability, flocculation, malt influences on yeast performance, and the use of dried yeast in the brewing process. Editor Alex Speers brings together more than 20 leading international brewing scientists to give an update on the latest theoretical and applied findings regarding brewing yeast behaviour.
The book reflects updates to the conference presentations of the same name and is certain to serve as an important reference for those responsible for brewing yeast behaviour and its role when creating and producing high-quality well-crafted beers. FLAVOR is the second book in the 'Practical Guides to Beer Quality' series. FLAVOR offers an easy-to-read yet comprehensive and authoritative description on the science of flavor in brewing. It also addresses how factors such as raw materials and the process impact the flavor and aroma of beer. Through this book, the reader can systematically get to the root cause of flavor problems they are encountering and address quality issues. References and links provided in the book will also allow the reader to source methods and equipment that they can use in pursuit of flavor excellence.