??????? Uplay Overlay Show
FOREWORD: This tutorial is for games that were purchased through Uplay (AKA it forced you to), not Steam. Any Uplay games bought through Steam automatically have this functionality. If you don't really care about getting the Steam overlay in Uplay games, then this tutorial can be ignored. As many of you know, Uplay does not use.exe files to launch their games, but rather through custom URL targeting. I have found a way to move around this via the Steam app being able to use Uplay itself as a 'non-Steam game'. The only catch is, you can only do this for 1 Uplay title at a time, so use it wisely! A quick question that should be answered: Q: Why should I do this?
A: This way, you can talk to your Steam friends from within a Uplay game, access your music library, do a Steam-stream, access their in-game web browser, ect. Now for the step-by-step instructions. Maneuver to your games library and add Uplay as a custom game by going to the lower lefthand corner of the steam browser and click: '+ ADD A GAME' 'Add a Non-Steam Game' Find Uplay and check the box 'ADD SELECTED PROGRAMS'. Now move over to the shortcut of the game you want to add, and right-click on it, then: 'Properties' 'Web Document' tab Copy the content of the 'URL:' box. The url should look similar to this: 'uplay://launch/420/0' (This is Far Cry 4's code, btw.). Now move back to Steam, and go to the Uplay shortcut in your library, right-click and: 'Properties' Go to the end of the 'Target:' box and paste it in, with quotations around it.
How To Open Uplay Overlay
Jun 07, 2014 uPlay overlay problem, and MP. Show Printable Version; Email this. Runs 'through' steam is different from the standalone Uplay application, so the in.
Do not modify the 'Start in:' box. Example 'Target:' box (Far Cry 4). Originally posted by:in which case this is useless. It works anway shift tab for steam and shift f2 for uplay Yes, this is true for games bought through Steam, but for games that were bought directly through Uplay, they don't have that functionality. For example, when I got my free game code with my GTX 970, I was forced to redeem it directly through Uplay, therefore disabling any Steam compatibility with that game.
Uplay Overlay Hotkey
I just wanted to post this guide to others who didn't have a chance or ability to buy it through Steam. Add uPlay as Shortcut to Steam (Add non-steam game) 2. Right click on the new shortcut in your Steam Library and click 'Properties' 3. Now, click in the target field and add 'uplay://launch/420/0' at the end, where 420 is the game Id, 420 = Far Cry 4, don't forget the space between uplay path and the added url. Your target field should look something like this now: 'C: Program Files (x86) Ubisoft Ubisoft Game Launcher Uplay.exe' 'uplay://launch/420/0' 4.
CLOSE UPLAY (doesn't work if it's already open) 5. Now you can doubleclick the uPlay shortcut in steam and it will launch the game + steam overlay If you need help add me on steam.