Autoit Progress Bar Disappeared
I am attempting to automate the configuration of a Third Party Windows application. During the process a progress bar regularly appears which I need to wait for, e.g. Wait for it to disappear.
While I can successfully obtain a handle for the progress bar with this code; Retrieve the handle of the progess bar Local $hProgressBar = ControlGetHandle($MainWindow, ', 'CLASS:msctlsprogress32; INSTANCE:1') I am not able to wait while it is visible I have tried WinWaitNotActive($MainWindow, 'Save Changes') And Local $isProgressVisible = ControlCommand($MainWindow, ', $hProgressBar, 'IsVisible') While $isProgressVisible Sleep($iSleepy) $isProgressVisible = ControlCommand($MainWindow, ', $hProgressBar, 'IsVisible') WEnd Neither of these approaches makes my script wait. When I attempt to use the AutoIt Info tool to retrieve the progress bars details it breaks/stops my script and gives no info at all. Is there an AutoIt function I can use to obtain the progress bars details?

Yui Progress Bar
Home Downloads AutoIt UDFs GDIplus Progressbar. GDIplus Progressbar. Added Param in _ProgressSetFont to inverse the color when the bar reaches the.
Progress Bar Javascript

Progress Bar Android
- Home Downloads AutoIt UDFs GDIplus Progressbar. GDIplus Progressbar. Added Param in _ProgressSetFont to inverse the color when the bar reaches the.
- Percent: Percentage (value between 0. And 100.) to set the progress bar. Subtext [optional] Set the text for the Sub, Normal, Lower label.