Leap Program In Florida

Remember this page: www.FloridaJobs.org/LIHEAPHelp To inquire about assistance from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, locate the county in which you live and contact the local agency at the telephone number listed. Applications are only available by contacting the local providers listed below.
Applications are not available online. Alachua. Central Florida Community Action Agency, Inc.: (844) 356-8136 Baker. Northeast Florida Community Action Agency, Inc.: (904) 259-4481 Bay. Bay County Council on Aging, Inc.: (850) 769-3468 Bradford. Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc.: (386) 362-4115 Brevard. Brevard County Department of Housing and Human Services: (321) 633-1951 Broward.
Easterseals provides exceptional services, education, outreach, and advocacy so that people living with autism and other disabilities can live, learn, work and play. LEAP – New Program. In Hillsborough County To Focus on Increasing Postsecondary Degree Attainment. Predictor of postsecondary program going rates in Florida.

Broward County Dept.
Leap Program In Massachusetts
Program (Learning Enhancement Acquisition Program) is a day training program designed for low functioning consumers who are incontinent, and in need of specialized services to address their unmet needs. Each consumer is assessed through a formal process using approved assessment tools including observation. A professional Coordinator develops a support plan. Specific skill areas are addressed, such as toilet training, communication, social behavior, feeding, and on task behavior.
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Consumers will have an individual program plan (IPP) designed especially for him or her to maximize their independence level.