Pirates Caribbean Pc Game Pirate Island
Pirates of the Caribbean is a 2003 action role. The PC version of this game is one of the first video games. Captain Nathaniel Hawk arrives on the island of. List of pirate games. The Curse of Monkey Island [PC]. [PC,Xbox] Pirates of the Burning Sea [PC,MMO] Pirates of the Caribbean video games [Most Platforms].
Pirates of Caribbean walkthrough - - Pirates of the Caribbean PC Version Written by Thet Oo Maung Version 1.0 - - Introduction This Guide contains Side Quests and the main quests. 'Pirates of the Caribbean' is one of the best open-play RPG of year 2003 although it has some annoying glitches and bugs. I am the biggest fun of 'Elder Scroll III - Morrowind' and after I have finished the game and its expansions I want more of games like this. Ever since Bethesda Softworks announced about 'Sea Dogs II', I can't wait to get this game. Finally, the game is out and it changed the name to 'Pirates of Caribbean' and at the same time the movie is showing. Those are the golden days, I watched movie and played game everyday non-stop. This guide could have been completed to end but as you all know, the game has terrible bugs.
It made me start over three times. So that's why I can write the walkthrough till the part of the game that I have reached so far.
I am also searching for the possible bugs and glitches so that other people who start playing this game won't suffer like I did. Well, enough of talking and lets continue to Guide. - Copyrights This FAQs is written by Thet Oo Maung. Expect for personal use, reproducing, selling or publishing of this FAQ partly or whole is strongly prohibited. - Version History Version 0.75 - Start writing the FAQs. I was almost finished the game but a glitch hit me badly. This is the third time.
I didn't give up though. Version 1.0 - Finished the game and FAQs. Corrected misspelling and names of Islands. - Side Quests Atios Votary This quest can be started by entering the pirates Island first time.
Make sure you have one space left for an officer. If you already have three officers, remove one officer first before you go to the pirate's island for the first time. As soon as you enter the pirate fort, you will see a man with sword is fighting to another one without sword. If you let him kill the guy, you quest will be with Blayth. I saved Atios and killed Blayth. He will join you.
Take him to Conceicao and you will notice that he is disappeared. Go to the Tavern and ask the Tavern Owner where about of him. Tavern owner will tell you about Atios and then you will have to go upstairs room to see a wounded man. Then the soldiers will come and accuse for murder. I went with them easily and nothing harm. After solving the problem of accusation of murder, you will have to go outside of the town to the jungle and your quest is updated.
You will see three men with Atios lying. Help him and he will tell you about him.
Force him to tell about the secret and he will tell you about the treasure. To get the treasure, you will have to go to Donuswan. Then go out to the jungle to find a waterfall. There is a small path on the left of the waterfall which leads to the wracked ship. But you will have to fight with skeletons on the way.
After killing all the skeletons, go to the ship's part which is on the land. There you will find a box and grab the silvers. You will get 50,000 gold in the exchange of silver which is really worth it in the beginning of the game.
Finding the son of Admiral When you are at Isla Mulle, go to the Town hall and talk to the guy standing to start the quest. He is worry about his son and asks you to bring back. Last time he heard his son is in Redmond. Go to Redmond and ask the Tavern keeper. Admiral's son is in affair with Governor Silehard's daughter. To see her, just go outside to the jungle and you will find her with two soldiers. She will tell you that the Admiral's son is now back to his father.
Go back to Isla Mulle to continue the quest. Admiral will tell you that his son is kidnapped and he wants you to exchange him with 20,000 gold from thugs. Go to Falais de Flau and go to the Tavern.
You will meet a guy there and he will lead you to the house. Don't bother trying to kill the thugs in order to save the son.
Just give them 20,000 gold and the son will be free. Go back to his father to collect 10,000 gold for reward. If you want Admiral's son as an officer for your crew, he will join you. Remember to free one space for officer. This game has some glitches and this is one of these. Like in the quest of Atios, if you don't free one space for an officer, although he is joined to your crew, you cannot see in your passengers. Rescuing Toff's daughter from pirate This quest is easy and worth it because you will get Nicolas's Saber for reward.
But your rank should be respectable for example bloke and above. When you are at Donuswan, go to the Tavern and talk to the guy who is wearing a green clothes. He is depressed because his daughter is kidnapped by a pirate. Promise him to help and go to the governor's house. Talk to the governor and you will get permission to aboard the pirate ship. On the pirate ship, talk to the pirate leader but you will be in a scene of this pirate leader and one of his crew. Then they start fighting and you will have to kill the pirate leader.
When he is killed, you will get the daughter and go back to the Tavern to talk to the father. He will reward you with the sword.
Go to the Town hall also to collect reward from Governor. Strange things in Arperchio Go to the Town hall of Donuwesan and you will see three women are standing. Talk to them and you will know about the kidnapping of the children and Governor doesn't take any action. You can promise them to talk to the Governor yourself. If it is at night, sleep until morning and talk to the Governor. He will ask you investigate yourself.
You can start your investigation from the Pirates in the jungle which is the same way now you are going to look for the ship. Go to the jungle and search for the pirates den. Now go to the pirate chief's house and ask about the Black Frigate that kidnapped the children. He will tell you that this ship doesn't belong to the pirates and it is heading to the Greenford. Talk to the guy on your right in the Greenford Tavern. He will tell you that the ship is going to Pirate Island.
Follow to the Island and talk to the Tavern Keeper woman. She will tell you that the ship really was here on the Island but she doesn't know where it left.
You have to investigate your own again. Most people has lost track of this quest after talking to the old lady at the pirates island. The fact is that you have to go to Redmond church and do favor to the priest in order to continue this quest. Go to Redmond church and talk to the priest. He will ask you to do a favor which is to investigate about the priest of Greenford.
Go to the Greenford and ask the two priests. Then go to the Tavern and talk to the Tavern keeper and the waitress. You will have to find a man who makes fake writing of the priest. He is living in the house just behind the Tavern.
Talk to him and your quest will be updated. Go back to the Redmond Church and talk to the Priest. Now you can ask him about the black frigate. He will now ask you another favor. You have to bring the letter to the Isla Mulle church.
As soon as you are near to the Isla Mulle Island, you will be landed on the shore and faced men with red robes. You will be in a small fight but this is not that difficult. You will get a medallion and your quest is updated. Go to the church and give the letter to the priest.
When you go back to Redmond and continue talking about black frigate with the priest, his assistance will attack you and your quest is updated. Go back to Isla Mulle and talk to the Tavern Owner. Then go out and find a man that the Tavern Owner tells. You will get information from him that the leader of the black frigate is now in Greenford. Go to Greenford and talk to the Tavern owner. The leader is now in the prison. You will have to talk to the Warder to meet with him.
The warder won't let you see the guy unless you pay him 5000 gold. The only option is to go back to Redmond church and talk to the priest. The priest will give you document and you can show that document to let the Warder let you see the man. After you free the red robed man, sail to Isla Mulle. Immediately, you will be in a cut scene with Red robed man in the Tavern room. You will have to kill him after you try to get the information from him. The information you get is where about the hide out of 'Animists', those Red Robed men.
It is located at the small island near Isla Mulle. Sail to that shore and walk straight until you see a cave. You will be fighting with at least 10 Red Robed men.
Their boss is hiding behind the big chair in the main room. Kill him and your quest will be updated. Go back to your ships to fight with 'Mefisto', black frigate. After that all the problems are solved and all you have to do is go back to Donuswan and Redmond to collect rewards. - Main Quest Quest 1 Arrival at Oxbay This is where the story begins.
Nanthial Hawk, Captain of the ship named 'Victory' (default name; you can change whatever you want), wake up in his cabin and realize that his ship has been luckily escaped from a storm last night. One of his Crew comes and tells him what he has to do for today. If you are playing for the first time, I advice you to follow the tutorial first. Otherwise choose the option to skip the tutorial. Before you leave Oxbay you have to do the followings.Buy a new spy glass.Sell the goods at store so that you will get enough money to repair ship and hire crews.Go to tavern and hire crews.Lastly, go the shipyard and repair the ship If you are following the crew for doing these quests, after you finish repair ship, he will tell you about the 'Loan shark office' where you can loan money. And then he will tell you that if you buy import goods of Oxbay such as silk by using loan money and sells at another island, you will make good money.
If you buy a better sword than the one you have at the beginning, you will see a dungeon near the shipyard. The dungeon is located at the basement of the house which is in front of the shipyard. But the skeletons pirates inside dungeon are so hard to fight at the beginning of level one. After you have done everything at Oxbay, set sail to the sea. You will watch the FMV of French attacks English colony, Oxbay. And you will receive new quest. Quest 2 Inform the Governor of Redmond about the French invasion Your next quest is to go to Redmond, which is English colony near to Oxbay and inform the Governor about the French invasion.
When you first arrive at the Redmond port, you will see a man walking near the gate. His name is Rhys Bloom. If you talk to him, he will first tell you that he knows the name of your ship and you. Then he will ask your help. If you agree to help him, you will have to go to harbor master. Harbor master house near the gate as well.
Talk to the man inside and he will tell you about Rhys Bloom, who is discharged from a ship because of bar fight. If you promise to take care of him to harbor master, you can take him as your crew member. When you go back to Rhys bloom after talking to harbor master, and tell him that you have take care of everything, you will have a option to take him as your crew member. He will ask you 500 gold but I think it is worth to spend since other officer you hire in the tavern at least 2000 gold worth. But Rhys has very poor stat and you have to take him with you all the time to train him. As for me he is my first officer in my ship.
After you have done with Rhys Bloom, go inside the town and find the Governor's residence. Just go straight and you will see a big house.
If you enter the residence at night, the guards will stop you and ask you to come back in the morning. When you enter the residence, you will first meet another captain. He just says good bye and leave. Tell the Governor about the French invasion. He will try to take his hand on your ship to liberate Oxbay as he is now short handed of his ships.
But you agree to help and he will give you an order. Your task is to sneak into the city of Oxbay and grab the as much as information about French troops you could. He will tell you that after you finish the task, he will reward you handsomely. So now you receive updated quest. When you set sail again, you will see that French are now aggressive to your ship just like pirates. Sail to Green Rock Bay or Far beach.
As long as you don't sail to Oxbay port straight, you won't be fighting with French's battleships. Go thought Jungle to Oxbay town.
You may have to fight with two French guards at the entrance to town, if they stop you. Be careful of those smugglers in the jungles. They are hard to fight if you have low level. When you are inside the town, head to tavern. When you talk to the tavern keeper about the French, he will tell you that he is now sick of these French. Then you get an idea about how to get more information about French troops.
There is a French officer who is drinking inside the tavern. The tavern keeper agrees to corporate with you for liberation of Oxbay. You approach the officer as you want to be his first mate. And tavern keeper gives you Rum and Ale as much as you want and make the officer drunk.
When he is drunk take him outside the town to the Jungle. And now you can ask the information you want on him. Because you threaten his life, the officer tells you everything, when you know you can whether kill him or just let him go. I killed him of course and then two guards as well. There you will get a letter about the Braque ship with tons of ammunitions is sending to Oxbay and you have to stop it. The ship is now at Flarais de Flu and waiting to be escorted to Oxbay. You have two choices for your next quest.
You can whether go back to Redmond to report the Governor about this information or go to Flarais de Flu to investigate by yourself. I didn't report back to Governor instead I went to Flarais de Flu by myself.
First time you arrive at the Flarais de Flu port, a crew from the ship will come and ask you 1 gold for show you the town. Give him and you can ask the information you want on the ship.
The fact is that the French has hired a Captain to escort the ship to the Oxbay. This Captain is now at the town's tavern. Go to the tavern and ask the Captain's name to tavern keeper. He will tell you that he is now up stair in the room. Go to the room and talk to the Captain.
Now you will have two choices that you kill the Captain or bribe him. I bribed him with 3000 gold and over took his job. You will get the document from the Captain. You will have to show the document to Harbor master at the port. His house is on the right side near the port. Show him the letter and he gives permission to depart. The owner of the ship will come and talk to you.
Now you can set sail to anywhere expect to Oxbay. I set sail to Redmond and I destroyed the ship with ammunitions which is to deliver to Oxbay. After you have done this, you can now go back to Governor Silhart of Redmond for reward. And he will give you another order. Quest 3 Escort English troops ship to Green Ford and meet an agent at Oxbay This time the quest is a little bit complicated. Governor Silhart will tell you that an informer at Green ford has found a cave near Oxbay shore and Governor has idea of hiding these soldiers into the cave. When he commands the navy to attack the Oxbay by sea, these troops will attack Oxbay by land from behind.
Your orders are first meet the informer at Green ford port first and then the informer will tell you the landing area to drop the troops. Then you take the troops to the location. After you deploy the troops, you next order is to meet an agent at Oxbay tavern. When your quest is updated, leave the town hall and go to the port. You will meet a captain who is in the mission with you together. Set sail to the Green Ford port.
At the port, you will meet a man who is happened to be an informer. He will tell you that it is best to deploy the troops at night fall in order not to get attention from French. You and the captain agree to go to Tavern for drink while waiting. At night fall, you will have to sail to Green Rock Bay. Upon arrival, the informer will tell you that a French troop is coming this way and you will have to enter a land battle with French. These soldiers are not very difficult to kill. Kill them all and the informer will take the troops into the Jungle to the cave.
Say good bye to the Captain and now you will have to go for next order. Go to Oxbay through the Jungle as usual.
Go to the Tavern and meet an Agent named Tobias. He is drinking at upstairs. He will tell you that he is waiting a French officer who lost a lot of gold at Gambling and cannot pay the debts. Tobias convinced him that he will take care of the debt if the officer is willing to give up his ship to English. They made agreement and appointment at Tavern.
Unfortunately, while waiting the French soldiers arrive to Tavern and try to capture Tobias. You will have to enter a fight again. From this point, you will have to enter many fights.
Kill all the soldiers and Tobias joins you temporary. He suggests that you should run to Shipyard owner McConnell for asking favor to hide. As soon as you and Tobias get out of the Tavern, French soldiers run and fight you.
Tobias will be escaped because he runs like hell but not you. You will have to fight with at least six soldiers. The best technique is block all the time and shoots with gun. You should have some health potions to recover yourself. Run to the shipyard after fight. Fast travel doesn't work this time.
Shipyard owner will hide you from soldiers. After that he will ask you return favor. He wants you to deliver the locked chest to the Tavern keeper at Redmond. This is a new quest and it is the beginning of the quest 'Black Pearl'.
Finally it makes sense to the movie. You will have to agree his favor. Tobias will tell you that the French officer will be now waiting at the Tavern. Because the soldiers won't recognize you so that you are the one to go to him and tell him to meet Tobias at somewhere. You will see other your crew members are missing from you and you will have to go alone.
Go to the tavern and find the officer. He is sitting at the table near the stair. He is nervous and when you tell him, you agree to go with you.
Take him to behind the tavern near the wall. Tobias is waiting there. Then you three make escape to the port. You will be talking with a solider at the port. He will let you go easily but when you are near at the dock, other soldiers run to you and you will have to fight many soldiers again. It is easy because they cannot surround like before.
The dock is small enough for two man and you are blocking their way. So easily kill one by one and then leave the port. If you have two ships before you do this quest, one ship will be send to Redmond and another ship will help you fight the French's ship on the battle at the port. The ship you are commanding is the ship of the French officer who agrees to give the ship to English.
This is quite hard because on the way, a French battle ship is blocking and shooting the ship. At the back, the ford will shoot the ship with cannon. And two small French ships are on the side shooting at you as well. My suggestion is sail away as fast as you can instead of fighting back. Since battle ship is slow, first sail to the direction which it cannot shoot and then from this point sail away fast.
When you get back to the Governor, he is pleased with you and give you reward. And he will order to participate in liberating Oxbay. But first he wants you to rest at the Tavern and wait for his call. This is another quest.
Quest 4 Wait at the Tavern and deliver the locked chest Although these quests are written separately in the quest book, I will take it as one same quest. When you head to tavern to deliver the locked chest you are asked, there are two pirates waiting you at the entrance. They will ask you to give the chest to them.
You can refuse and fight them but believe me; you cannot even make them a scratch. They will give you another chance and ask again to give the chest.
This time, give the chest to them and they will be disappeared. You quest will be updated as they will tell you that the shipyard owner set you up. Go inside the Tavern and you will meet a cute babe, Denial and her right hand Ralph.
Since you two had strong relationship in the past, you will be surprised to see her again. After some talk, English soldiers come and arrest you.
You and Denial will fight soldiers. But Denial's right hand Ralph will die.
She will become so mad at you and tell you to run away. After she runs away from the Tavern, other English soldiers arrive. But this time you give in.
Quest 5 Escape from Jail Now you will be in the jail. You weapons will be taken. You will be talking with the warder. If you can convinced him that you will let him join your ship as an officer, he will let you go and give you weapons back. On your way out, you have fight two English soldiers and before you get out, the Governor will come in. He will tell you this is the terrible mistake and say sorry. But he will execute the warder for breaking law and letting you go.
You can convince the Governor that you will take care of the warder as your crew on your ship. The Governor will agree. And guess what, while you are in the jail, English has already liberated Oxbay and you don't have to involve in the battle. Quest 6 Find the betrayed Captain Rehims and bring him back The Governor orders you this time to find a man named Rehims who betrayed English in order French to achieve the invasion. He was last heard at the Pirate's hideout.
Go to there and dock at the port. At the first time you go into the pirates' hideout, you will see two man fighting swords. You can just let the man kill or save the man. If you save the man, the navigator will join your crew. If you let him executed, the captain will join your crew. This is another quest and you can see this crew member only when you enter pirate's hideout. If you talk to the other man inside hideout and you will get information that Tavern keeper woman is close to Rehims.
Go to tavern and talk to the tavern keeper. If you can convinced her, you will tell you that Rehims has left to Isla Mulle. But you will also hear that at the day the Rehims he was shot. You get information about Smuggler leader. Follow Rehims to Isla Mulle and go to the Tavern.
Ask the Tavern keeper and he will tell you to go away. Leave the Tavern and you will meet with a smuggler who will take you to the smuggler leader. You will meet with a smuggler leader and know that Rehims left by telling no one where he is heading.
He is in the expedition for finding something. You know he has a house in the smuggler lair but the smuggler leader prohibits you to go inside. You should go to Tavern and wait until night fall. There are two men guarding in front of the house. Go to the right side of the house and then you can enter the house. You will find nothing but an old ledger.
Two guards will enter the house and you will fight with them. The quest for finding Rehims is temporary ended here as you lost trace of him.
Before you go back to Governor and report about it, it is good time to investigate about 'Black pearl'. Quest 7 Black Pearl This is the original quest of delivering the locked chest to Tavern keeper at Redmond from shipyard owner at Oxbay. So you go back to Oxbay. French ships won't be there to attack you because English already liberated Oxbay. Shipyard owner admitted that he knows about the attack but he didn't plan to set you. In fact he set up the Tavern keeper because he is his enemy.
In the chest, there are coins inside. Those pirates are like ghosts, and they follow the coins and kill the man who has the coins. He will tell you that if you want to know more about these coins go to Flarais de Flu. Sail to the Flarais de Flu and first time you enter to Flarais de Flu, you will encounter 'Black Pearl' ghost ship. Don't bother trying to sink that ship. You ship will be sank instead.
If you don't start attacking, it won't attack you. Sail to the port and find a house inside there is a man sitting. To find his house, just go straight from the port door. You will see on your left two houses and on your right there is a road to Jungle. The guy is in the second house on the left.
He will tell you a story about the 'Black Pearl' and its cursed pirates. Apparently you cannot kill it. When you get out of the house the man will come and talk to you. He and you will be drinking at Tavern and he will tell you about how to kill the Black Pearl. In order to destroy the ship, you will need an ancient Incan treasure. The quest will end temporary here. Quest 8 Deliver the letter to Pirate Lord When you are back to Redmond Governor, he is so mad that you failed the task.
But he will give your reward anyway. Your next task is so simple. You have to deliver the letter to Pirate chief at Pirate Hide out. Just go and deliver. It seems that Governor has been using Pirate Lord's help. Quest 9 Retrieve the stolen treasures After delivering the letter, the Governor wants you to do the personal order. His ship with the lots of goods and important collection of Incan treasure was robbed by pirates and now the pirates are hiding at Donuwesan jungle.
Your job is to go to Donuwesan and retrieve it. Upon reaching Donuwesan, you will enter sea battle with a ship. Destroy it and you will be at the shore ordering your crew to find the treasures. Your crew will be recovered most of the treasures but one is missing.
Go back to the Governor and inform him about this. He will give you next order. Quest 10 Bring the prisoner from Greenford The Governor wants you to go to Greenford and take the pirate prisoner to him. Go straight and turn right to get to the prison at Greenford. It is near the other side of the gate. But you will be informed that the prisoner has been escaped.
Get out of the prison and the woman will ask your help. Three men are trying to burn an old man near the prison. Help the old man and he is happened to be a scientist who is living at Lighthouse. He invites you to his house and when you reach to light house, you will meet with Denial again with the other guy named Vincent. The guy knows where the Rehims and Denial agrees to take you along. Go back to the Governor and inform about this and tell him about the trace of Rehims.
The Governor is happy to let you do this job. Quest 11 Continue searching for Rehims Go back to Lighthouse to meet with Denial. And off they sail to the sea. You will have to sail to Donuwesan and dock at the port. As soon as you arrive, Denial will tell you that Vincent has already gone to Tavern. Go to the Tavern and you will meet with Vincent. He will tell you that the guy who is sitting near the entrance of Tavern is Rehims.
When you talk to Rehims, he is first surprised and then later he will tell you to go to his house which is outskirt of the town. As soon as you, Denial and Rehims get out of the town, three cutthroats will rush to attack you. You will be stayed behind in order to escape Danielle and Rehims. She will tell you the way to Rehims's house. Fight with thugs and just continue walking straight. You will be at the first intersection.
Keep walking and you will see another intersection. Turn left to get to Rehims house. Upon arriving you will be surprised to see that Rehims is dying. Danielle now realizes that you work for English and she will draw her sword. Before you can do anything, the crazy girl will stab you and you will fall and pass out.
You will hear what Rehims and Danielle are talking. It seems that you are stuck in some kind of conspiracy of English Governor. And Danielle is looking for the same things that Governor Silehard is after.
Your quest is updated and now ready to find Danielle. Quest 12 Find Danielle Your next destination is to Isla Mulle. Go to the church. Just go straight from the entrance of the town and then turn right to the big church. Ask the priest to let you into the Library.
But the priest won't let you unless you do him a favor. His documents were stolen by pirates who are apparently at Conceicao. Follow him to Conceicao tavern and you will meet him near the entrance of the Tavern.
He will not give up his stolen documents and you will have to fight him by sea battle. Go out the Tavern and go to the port. Depart and destroy the pirate ship.
If you sink the pirate's ship the documents will be lost. I captured the ship of course and I got the documents.
Return to the Isla Mulle church. You can blackmail the priest before you give the documents. I got about 5000 gold. After that you will study about ancient Incan text and you will start tracing what Danielle and Silehard are after. You will have to sail to Oxbay Lighthouse and from there go to Oxbay mine. First you will have to ask the mine officer and ask about the guy who come here before to get the Clay Tablet from the mine.
Then go inside the mine and talk to the Negro slave master. He will not tell you anything until you free him. Go to the officer again and buy this salve from him. It is 1000 gold. When you free the slave, he will tell you about the guy who come to the mine. He will ask you to be your crew member. It is up to you.
Go back to Isla Mulle Tavern and ask about the girl, Danielle. As soon as you get out of the Tavern, you are in the battle with thugs to save Danielle. Save her and she will join you. Now you have realized that Governor Silehard has been using you.
Danielle wants to sneak into Silehard's house and ask him about the Incan treasure. Go back to Redmond. You will be immediately inside the Silehard's bed room. You will threaten him but cunning Governor will escape and you will be battled with guards. You and Danielle will split up to find the last Incan Idol and about the text.
Quest 13 Looking for the Incan Idol Although, this is the continue quest from the last quest, I want to separate as different quest. Since Danielle is out of the party temporary and you are on the way to Greenford while she is in search for the ancient text to find the treasure. You will have to go to Greenford Prison again and ask the Warder to give the Incan Idol that is kept in the prison.
But Silehard is this time one step before you and he orders to bring the Idol to Redmond and kill anyone who asks about this Idol. Fight with all the soldiers inside the prison.
And hurry back to the port. There is an English Frigate and you should try to capture it. It is hard battle since you board to another ship. The soldiers on the ship are harder to kill then normal pirates. When you get the Idol, sail back to the Lighthouse where you and Danielle are appointed to meet. But you will be informed by the old man that she was there awhile ago.
You become worry about her and should sail to look for her. As soon as you get to the map, the cut seem of the storm and ship. You have encountered a very bad storm and you will be overboard and wash away. Quest 14 Get a ship to go to find your ship and crew and Danielle You will wake up on the shore without have anything. You money will be gone and you ship and crew are lost. You will be told by a man near the shore that a storm hit your ship and you are too lucky to be alive. Lucky for you that you still have you equipments.
– Steve Jobs, pendiri Apple. Dengan sudut pandang pada game play yaitu sudut pandang orang ketiga, game ini menghadirkan banyak aksi dan tingkah laku si kambing / goat yang bikin ngakak banget sobat gamers, gokil deh. Game Goat Simulator cara mainnya itu kalian akan memainkan si kambing sebagai karakter utama dan harus melakukan banyak kerusuhan dan aksi aksi gila di dunia terbuka dalam game ini, jadi gamers holic akan berada di dunia terbuka seperti pada game Grand Theft Auto / GTA, si kambing kampret ini gila abis, dia bisa ngerusakin mobil, kaca rumah, pagar, bahkan pom bensin juga bisa di ledakin bro, kambing sakti dan gila ini wkkwkwkk. Saya pikir semua orang harus belajar coding, Karena coding mengajarkan anda berpikir.
You are now on the island of Donuwesan and you should get into the town to find a way to find your ship and crew. But this is at night and the road is dangerous to travel. You have no choice but to go. There are many thugs, skeletons and bone monkeys in the jungle. This is a kind of hard since you have no crew member beside you. And the enemies are in group so normally you have to run or avoid them. When you are at town, go to the Tavern but you have no luck that there is no ship of yours dock at Donuwesan.
You have to find a ship to travel first. Tavern keeper will tell you that there are pirates in the jungle and you might find someone to let you onboard. Go to the jungle and search for the pirates den. You will know that a pirate captain is looking for crew. He is inside the Tavern.
Talk to that old man and ask him to let you onboard. I challenged him and take over his ship and crew. Now that English are after you. You have to avoid fighting with them since your pirate ship is so weak and English has those battleships. To find your ship, crew and Danielle, sail to Isla Mulle. You will first meet with your crew and they are so happy to see you.
While you and crew are celebrating, Danielle will see you and ask you to come to her room upstairs. She will tell you that her ship was stolen but she still has the copy of the ancient text. And she is happier to see you than to know that Incan Idol is saved. Whatever she feels, you and she now agree to find someone who can read ancient text. He is the old man from Lighthouse. Quest 15 Find the old man Sail to the Lighthouse and you will alone go inside the Lighthouse. But instead of old man, you will meet English soldiers and fight with them.

The old man has been arrested and taken to the Greenford prison. Danielle will tell you to rescue the old man.
But this crazy girl has crazy idea about capturing the whole colony instead of breaking the prison and rescue the old man. Quest 16 Battle at Greenford This is not an easy battle.
Danielle plan is that you attack the ford from the sea while she and other crew will attack the ford from the land from behind. The ford is equipped with many cannon and you should too. I advice you to have at least two battleships before you take on Greenford. I attacked Greenford with three battleships and my ships are almost sinking.
Destroy all the cannon from the ford. Target the cannon only and not to the wall. You will notice where the cannon are since when they shoot you from the Ford, you will see smoke which is the location of the cannon. Eventually you will be able to enter into the ford and fight with English Soldiers.
Instead of your normal party members, there are many crew will be back you up and this is not a problem. After you capture the ford, go into the city. You will see Danielle and other crews are battling with English soldiers. Help them and she will tell you to go to prison. Save the old man from the prison.
Man, this is one hell of the battle. The old man will tell you that he can translate the text for you but you must take him with you on expedition.
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All you have to do is to wait in the Tavern. Danielle will have some conversation with you. After talking with Danielle, a crew man of your ship will come into the Tavern and tell you that English fleet is attacking. Danielle agrees to cover you up from the fort and you will have to go to sea battle with two battleships and one caravel. After the battle, you will get back to the port and Danielle will run to you and talk to you. After that you are sent back to the old man at the Lighthouse and he will tell you that most of the translations are finished and you are ready to set sail Final Quest Sail to Khoal Roa This strange island has been forgotten for its unnatural surrounding. The island can be entered only to the specific time of the specific year.
You will need to prepare well since you will be fighting non-stop sea battles and land battles and there is no way back. What you are fighting includes one big battleship called ManOwar of English Governor Silehard and three ships of pirates. Your main concentration should be capturing ManOwar because you will definitely it for fighting with 'Black Pearl'. This is not an easy battle though. But if you are prepared, ManOwar is yours. Incan Temple After you have won the battle with pirates and English fleet, you will be landed to shore.
You cannot go back to sea no more. Clement and Danielle is in your party. Start going into the Jungle until you find a Hugh temple. Go up to the top of the temple and you will find an entrance to the maze. The maze This is the confusing part of the game but if you know the key, it is quite easy. You will see that you are in the Alert state (your danger icon is red). You will be at the place where three tunnels like entrances are there.
Danielle first tells you that she will go left and Clements chooses right. You will have to go straight ahead. Go straight ahead and you will go up a ladder to a large room. You will fight with a skeleton.
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There are five entrances but only one entrance is the right one. Look carefully to the floor. On your left when you come out from the ladder, the first entrance has a marking of 'skeleton to sun' on the floor. Your main goal is to follow that marking all the time and you won't get lost in the maze. Continue following and you will get a room which has a square on the floor. Step on the square and press F3 for placing idol in it.
Cut scene of door opening will appear and you will fight with two skeletons. Go into the door to meet up with Danielle and Clements again. Alcove This is a very Hugh temple room and you need to go up to the stairs to the top. And follow the middle part to enter into the middle door. The light will take you to another room with a Hugh statue. Clements will tell you that he will look for the trap. And Danielle will tell you that she will start looking for the treasure.
Just wait her till she move to the statue and the very cool FMV will appeared. Final battle with 'Black Pearl' You will be back to the shore and short conversation with Clements and Danielle. After that you will be battled with 'Black Pearl'. You will have an ability that is needed to use for fighting 'Black Pearl'. Without this ability, you won't hurt the 'Black Pearl'. This ship is so fast and the battle will take a long time.
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After you have done decent damage to 'Black Pearl', you will have other ability which is shaped like a crystal. Use it and cut scene will appear. Sink 'Black Pearl' and enjoy the final ending of the game. After the ending, credits will show up and main screen will load up. If you want to continue playing, you will need to install mod for PC users. - Credits First of all, thanks to Bethesda Softworks for great game.
Many thanks to Gamefaqs for posting the FAQ. Special thanks to all the gamers out there writing and suggesting any topics about this game at all the message boards and forums. - Contacts Thet Oo Maung Nick name - Tom thetoomaung@hotmil.com.