Final Fantasy 8 Disc 2 Iso: Full Version Software
Free Download Games Final Fantasy VIII PS1 For PC Disk 1 + 2 ISO 100% Work zgas-pc- Assalaualaikum. Sahabat sahabat gamers Semua selamat Sore:) Setelah Beberapa Waktu yang lalu saya Membagikan Game Final Fantasy 8 Bagian 1 Maka Pada Kesempatan Kali ini saya akan membagikan yang Disk 2 nya Yaitu Melanjutkan Sesi games Yang Disk 1 Seusai Melawan Seorang Penyihir sakti yang Berhasil Menusuk Tokoh/Karakter Utamanya Dengan???? Saya Kgak tahu namanya yang pasti Seperti Pedang namun Terbuat dari es Yang Menembus Tubuhnya:D Dan Kelanjutanya ada di disk 2 ini jadi yang Belom Punya Download dahhh Biar Ada Terusannya hehe SCREENSHOOT GAMES.
Thanks a lot for this, Syndre, downloaded and played through disc 1 with no problems. But after I get to the end of disc one, it asks me to insert disc 2. I tried everything in that 'howto-syndrome' text, mounted correctly, then extracted the.iso into a folder and linked to it in the registry (and I did actually run the.reg), I even tried to run Disc2.pak and disc2 file using FF8.exe; still asked me to put in disc 2, press 'x' and it just says 'WRONG DISC.' Actually I might be putting in the folder address wrong in the.reg, an example of that would be great. If you know wtf I'm doing wrong please let me know, and sorry for being a noob who needs someone to hold his hand.
Other than that, awesome download.:. Definitely rocks that syndre uploaded such an awesome classic. However playing the pc version might cause you to miss out.
I remember trying the pc vers on my old 98' HP Pavilion. Washed out menu, and same gfx, etc. I highly recommend you just go for the emulator option.
Final Fantasy VIII (USA) PC Download for PC/Windows. Game description, information and PC download page.
At least this way you can avoid disc errors, shading problems, etc. Emuparadise is a pretty good source for psx iso (last time I checked) and epsxe is pc friendly for anyone with a modern desktop. Just fiddle around a bit with different plug ins til you balance speed with gfx. And remember, dont just stop when you find a playable plugin, try them all. Cheers, and big thanks syndre:).
I was wondering if anyone cud help me with a problem im having with this game. So heres the story.
Final Fantasy Vii Iso Download
Final Fantasy VIII is a single-player role-playing game released on different dates in 1999 for PS and in 2000 for pc.It is the 8th in the Final Fantasy series. Download Final Fantasy VIII [U] ROM / ISO for PlayStation (PSX) from Rom Hustler. 100% Fast Download.
A while back i downloaded a working version of ff8 and i played til disc 3. Well my computer started to act kinda funny one day so i burned the disc images on to discs in case my computer crashed.
Then as expected, my computer did crash. So then i had to reinstall windows and all the settings i had previously blah blah blah. I also reinstalled ff8 with my newly burned disc and gameplay seemed to be normal.
But now im on disc 2 and i seem to have run into a problem. Im towards the end of the disc right b4 the great battle b/t balamb and galbadia garden. And i kno a cutscene is supposed to occur as i approach galbadia garden located in the south west part of centra continent by edeas house. But when i approach it, no cutscene occurs.
I tried entering a different city, saving, restarting and trying again, but no matter wat i do nothing worked thus far. So then i assumed that the disc 2 or install disc images were damaged when i burned them onto the discs a while back. So i downloaded disc 2 and the install disc from another torrent. I downloaded install disc cuz i thought maybe i cud reinstall the game and the scene wud work. But it didnt: i mounted each of the images via alcohol120% and started up the game again and tried to activate the scene once again but i still cudnt get it to work. Ive run out of ideas so im askin u guys for help.
Is there a way to get this to work without having to start a new file or completely uninstalling everything and reinstalling the game? Thx in advance. This is what I did to get it working when I had the 'INSERT DISK 1' problem (since I have a stack of blank CD's at my disposal to test with) (and I'm using Windows XP, fyi): Burn the following files to a CD: DISK1.PAK DISK1 FIELD2.FS FIELD.FI FIELD.FL FIELD.FS I named the CD 'DISK1' I don't know if you need to have ALL of those files or HAVE TO name it 'disk1', but hey this worked for me so no complaints there. But I don't know if this will work for disk 2/3/4 (with the two 'DISK#' files replacing the 'DISK1' files).
If it doesn't, I'll post back when I get that far. Syndre thanks for the great upload the only complaint I have is you could have been a little more clear with the instructions. For all you people who do not know how to use GOOGLE and would rather complain about it's not working. If you are using a virtual drive program like Deamon Tools or Virtual Clone Drive. Although I downloaded a different one because I had the same problem you all were having with the Disc one thing this info file came with it and should correct the problem. This is a guide to getting FF8 PC to work on any OS with any version. All this requires is that you have the 5CDs (or ISO equivalents) and a will to listen and read carefully.
After installing the game to whatever directory you choose (I will use E: FF8 in my example since it is a non-standard installation path), mount/insert the first CD into your drive. Take note to what drive (letter) you will be using to mount/insert the first CD (I will use S:). After having done so, open up your registry editor. (For those who are new to this: 1.
Click your start button 2. Type in regedit and hit enter) In regedit, find the key: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Square Soft, Inc FINAL FANTASY VIII 1.00 Again, for those of you new to regedit, simply browse through the following folders (in this order) until the pane on your right displays several items, of which one will be 'DataDrive'. HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Square Soft, Inc FINAL FANTASY VIII 1.00 Right click on the string value labelled 'DataDrive' (it will have an icon with the letters ab on it to the left of it) in the right pane of the regedit browser.
Click 'Modify' In the field marked 'Value Data' which is the only field you can change, it will probably display something like 'c:' This is where knowing your installation cd drive letter comes into play Change the 'c:' to whatever drive you installed FF8 with (for example 's: ') Click OK Close regedit. Run ff8.exe or your appropriate shortcut. All right, so I believe I followed the directions accordingly. I'm using Windows XP and after I got this torrent, I snagged the patch it suggested getting for GeForce users. The 1.12 patch, I believe?
Anyhow, I extracted the ISO file to a folder named 'Final Fantasy 8 PC' and then extracted the 1.12 patch within this. After this, I opened the Reg Edit file that came with the torrent and entered in the drive that I set aside a mount for. (In my case 'z'). I even followed the instructions for entering the 'regedit' under the 'Run' command, and the drive was set accordingly. I have the two files 'bink232.dll' and 'eax.dll' in the system folder of Windows as well as the folder the FF8.exe is in. When I run the FF8.exe file, my screen goes black as if loading an application, and I get an error pop-up. 'ff8.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.'
And I cannot seem to get beyond this problem. Any suggestions? Perhaps I overlooked something. If there was an explanation for fixing this, I apologize. Thought I made it with flying colors. My thorn now is the game running extremely slow with horizontal lines and black boxes. Getting the lines fixed was easy.
There's a lot of suggestions for fixing the black boxes. However, getting the game to stop running so damn slow is another beast in its own. Right from Squall's initial bed-awakening-scene, the game pauses every half second or so. Anyone familiar with fixing this? Running on XP, GeForce, etc, I don't have the exact specs right now. IF it's important, I'll get them. If you are using a 64 bit os the fix by Silentnothing is still good, but when you go to edit the string value in regedit you will likely have to take a different path.
The difference will be once you enter the SOFTWARE folder there will likely be a sware soft, inc folder but it will be near empty when you open it. Instead you need to go to the 64/32 compatibility folder which will be somewhere in the SOFTWARE folder. It will be the one with 6432 somewhere in the name.
Then it's the same; square soft inc - final fantasy viii - 1.00 and there you will find the DataDrive string you need. Very nice little download, took me 3 hours to download and uploaded just under 1gb of it gonna upload for a bit longer (or as long as i can) anyway quite good thing easy to mount and install but it did take me a bit to get the disc thing working. Simply just double click the CDDrive in the file then put FIELD2.FS FIELD.FI FIELD.FL FIELD.FS and the disc#.pac and disc# in there and burn it to cd with the number of the disc, easy, make sure it gets put in the right drive though i put disc 1 into my dvd rw and it wouldent work but i put in into my dvd rom and it went in first time. What 201131181 says is 100% truth, the game does crash on Disk3 when you are climbing up the ladder into the city of Esthar but there is a way around it. I downloaded this Do not install anything from this download, Run the Install SFX only and extract the files to the desktop. Create an ISO from these files. Disk3,Disk3.Pak,Field.FI,Field.FS,Field2.FS,Field.FL And another ISO from these.
Disk4,Disk4.Pak,Field.FI,Field.FS,Field2.FS,Field.FL Call them Disk3/Disk4. Now all you do is mount your newly created Disk3 Image, open up FF8 and load into your save, when you climb up the ladders the game will not crash, mount Disk4 when you are going onto that disk ofcourse, hope this helps. Ok downloaded it, mounted the disks. Played althoway through the first disk. Than i mounted the 2nd disk. And made it well into it before i crashed. As soon as you get the garden to fly and the headmaster cid tells you to kickback untill he figures out how to controll it.

The game crashes every time. I even downloaded a different version and used the disk2 from that torrent and am still having the same problem. I took the 4 field files and the disk2.pak and disk2 file and created a iso with them. Mounted it and changed the reg to point to the mounted drive. It keeps crashing WTF??

Ok i know how to fix the crashing problems. I tryed re-downloading the torrent files, i tried changing all the option settings, i tryed different image making programs and mounting programs. I tryed different directorys and the real playstation disk. None of this fixed my crash during a cutscene.
Do not burn the disk files into a disk or create a image with them. Instead copy the needed files directly to any main hardisk or directory. C: or d: or whatever. Change the label of the partition to disk1, disk2 ect. According to what disk you are useing.
Change the reg key to shortcut to that location. After doing this on my d: drive im having no more crashes. Ok guys this works fine on vista 64bit. If you are getting problems with wrong disc do the following. Goto start hit run, in the box that appears type regedit. Once regedit opens, use the left hand menu to navigate to HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Square Soft, Inc FINAL FANTASY VIII 1.00 and change the value of datadrive to what ever the letter is that is assigned to the program you used to install.
Final Fantasy 8 Rom Psx
For example if you use deamon tools and the virtual drive is G: then the value you need to use is G: miccyc. To all those who are having problems with the transition from each disk to another, follow these steps: Copy these files into a folder on your desktop and create that folder into an.ISO using Folder2Iso. DISK2.PAK DISK2 FIELD2.FS FIELD.FI FIELD.FL FIELD.FS Then mount it using PowerISO/ Daemon tools and make sure it is in 'CDDrive (D:)' Open FF8.exe again and load your saved slot to continue playing with disk 2. Do the same thing with Disk 3 and 4. Just choose it's respective components. Hope this helps you all:D.